The Blue Ridge Free Clinic serves as a “Bridge to Health” for anyone with unmet medical needs who does not have a healthcare provider. We offer TEMPORARY primary care. In most cases this will be for 3 - 12 months, until we can assist patients to establish care with a local, affordable, primary care practice. When this has occurred, the patient has "crossed the bridge to health”.
School Vaccine Info (Fall 2024)
HCHC – The Harrisonburg Community Health Center on Port Republic Road
1380 Little Sorrell Dr Ste 100, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Mondays 1:30-3:30 , 8 appointments per clinic. (Monday the 29th is full but the others still have availability)
Then we are opening additional clinic hours:
August 15th, 22nd, and 29th 3:30-530pm (8 appointments per clinic)
August 21st 8am-10am and 1pm-3pm (8 for each time slot)
These will be by appointment but if someone walks in and there is availability, we will add them to the schedule there just may be an increased wait depending on when the available appointment is. They can call the main number to schedule 540-433-4913.
Rockingham/Harrisonburg Health Department
110 North Mason Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Our available appointments prior to school are:
8/16 , 8/19, 8/20, and 8/21.
If insured, they need to bring proof of insurance. School required/VFC eligible will not have fees.
Sentara Community Cares Clinic Vaccines: (504) 564-5880
Held At:
Emmanual Episcopal Church 9AM – 12 on August 3, 17, 24th – WALK IN
660 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
“Tools for School” at the EMU Commons AUGUST 10th Event 10 – 3 PM – WALK IN
1307 Park Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22802